Tuesday, March 1, 2011

rabbit, rabbit, rabbit

It’s the first of March and as the superstition goes…you will be brought luck by saying rabbit 3 times (or is it 2?) on the first day of the month. You know what I mean. Well rabbits make me think spring is finally around the corner after a long, snowy winter.

I can barely wait.

With spring, comes spring cleaning. I got a head start on that because I will be moving later this spring so purging the closet has been my hobby as of late. Where am I moving to you ask? Oh that part is still up in the air but I will be moving by May. Promise you. Plowing through all of the old junk has felt so exhilarating!

Then the undeniable happened. I ran full speed into the row of garment bags buried deep in the back of my closet. The yards of plastic house my collection of bridesmaid dresses. That includes Spring collection 2007…Fall collection 2008…Every season 2010. You get the idea. I am pondering what to do with these. I cherish the one-time-wears. Seriously, I do.  Does that mean I really lug them to another house just to be buried in the back of another closet?

While I ponder this decision, I thought I’d feature a dress here and there for you. (Ignore my mannequin’s graffiti. Or just think of it as a badass cleave tattoo.)

I was just a girl when I wore this celadon number in May 2007. It was my first run as a bridesmaid. I teetered down the aisle nervous that I’d trip over my own feet. My skin was itchy due to the layer of crinoline under the satin tea-length skirt. As for the bride and groom, they have lived happily ever after starting their married life out at the Burger King drive-thru after their reception. No joke. They are expecting baby number two this summer.

The new release of the summer edition of Flea Market Style magazine is another sure sign that spring is coming. And summer too for that matter.

I picked up my cherished issue yesterday and have read it cover to cover drooling over the vintage finds. I have also spent the last 24 hours dreaming about creating a potting shed from all recycled and repurposed materials and then hosting a casual Mother’s Day brunch in it. Then I remembered that I’m not very good with a hammer and I don’t actually know where I will be living come Mother’s Day. At any rate, the magazine is very inspiring for DIY projects that can easily be transferable into wedding entertaining.

Another new release that I just heard about is Three Sisters Marketplace. It is an online 'Main Street' where artisans can sell their handmade goods & connect with students who can sign up for classes.  Sounds a little like etsy, right? I thought so too but etsy doesn't offer classes. Well, I’m doing my part to spread the word. It may be another good avenue to find some handmade wedding favors! Or even sell your own crafts. Plus Three Sisters is Philly based so of course I love local.

And finally my first wedding of 2011 is on the horizon. I wrapped up the table numbers to coordinate with the gold invitations.  Remember the muted beach club elegant invitations? These sassy numbers are out the door.

Happy almost-Spring! (I hope I haven’t taunted Mother Nature too much with this anti-winter post.)

-The perennial bridesmaid


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the mention of Three Sisters' Marketplace! Love your blog - I'm posting your link on our Press Page!

    All the Best,
    Wendy - Founder Three Sisters' Marketplace

