Tuesday, May 4, 2010


And just when I thought things quieted down on the bridesmaid front…another opportunity rounded the corner. Here’s how I became a bridesmaid for the 9th time...

In college, the four of us were inseparable never to miss 5 o’clock dinner at the crapateria. Times have changed and we now only get together a few times a year. The food is fortunately better since we’re no longer on a college meal plan and the times together are certainly as good as they were 10 years ago. God, 10 years ago?

This past weekend was one of those times. We were celebrating that the first of the fab four is getting married next year (and has the cliché wedding binder to prove it!). The other 3 of us will be bridesmaids.

How did she ask?

How else but with a sweet bottle of wine for each of use donned with a tag that read “Will you be my bridesmaid?” Of course we said yes and the bride was so thrilled that she fell out of her chair…come to think of it that might have been the wine’s doing and not the thrill of having us all as her bridesmaids.

Naturally, we all shrieked “Absolutely!” just as she did when asked to marry her fiance.

-The perennial bridesmaid

1 comment:

  1. Cliche wedding binder?...you know you loved it!!! This post brought a tear to my eye!!!!
